All about C and C++

Hey there, this is the series where you will learn and understand all the concepts of C and C++ programming languages. But here's something more than that. You will be able to master the indigestible topics quite easily. If you really want that so go through the entire series in sequence.

The entire series will cover up both C and C++ languages with knowledge of written tests of companies along with interview preparation question. More than this it will cover up around "30-40% of Data Structure and Algorithms (DSA)"

The content for the entire series is mentioned below. If you see any topic missing, no need to doubt this series as it is made in a different way. There may be things to learn before that and will be covered in forthcoming blogs.

Table of content for the entire series:

  1. Why C and existence of other languages
  2. History of C
  3. First program of C language
  4. Datatypes
  5. Integer Variable
  6. Character Variable
  7. Operators

to be continued.....